Consolidate Dell Drivers - Part 1


I am trying to compare Dell driver packs that were extracted into a folder ( a very large list)
The goal is to filter by operating system, model, Dell CAB version (A01, A02, etc), and architecture.
I wrote a PowerShell script that will parse this folder structure (a small subset of the actual list):


Script Breakdown

First grab all the folders and add it to a collection:
$scriptRoot = '\\share\drivers'
#grab only root folders
$RootDriverCabs = Get-ChildItem $AllDriversPath | ?{ $_.PSIsContainer }

#create hashtable
$CabCollection = @()

#loop through folder within root folder and break it apart into an hashtable
ForEach ($Driver in $RootDriverCabs){
    #$FullDir = $Driver.FullName
    $Model = ($Driver.Name -split '-')[0]
    $OS = ($Driver.Name -split '-')[1]
    $ver = ($Driver.Name -split '-')[2]

    #combine root driver path with model and OS sub-folders
    $FullPath = Join-Path -Path $Driver.FullName -ChildPath "$Model\$OS"

 #if the full path exists get architecture
    If (Test-Path $FullPath){ 
        $arch = Get-ChildItem $FullPath | ForEach-Object {
            $FullDir = "$FullPath\$($_.Name)"
   #build object
            $CabTable = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property ([ordered]@{
                    Model    = $Model
                    OS       = $OS
                    Ver      = $ver
                    Arch     = $_.Name
                    FullPath = $FullDir

    #add to object
                $CabCollection += $CabTable
        Write-host "$FullPath is not found, drivers must have proper naming convention" -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor Red

Write-host "Collected $($CabCollection.Count) drivers packages"
the Cab Collection result is:
Model    : E6530
OS       : win10
Ver      : A01
Arch     : x64
FullPath : \\share\drivers\E6530-win10-A01-PXT6R\E6530\win10\x64

Model    : E6530
OS       : win10
Ver      : A01
Arch     : x86
FullPath : \\share\drivers\E6530-win10-A01-PXT6R\E6530\win10\x86

Model    : E7450
OS       : win10
Ver      : A04
Arch     : x64
FullPath : \\share\drivers\E7450-win10-A04-DNY52\E7450\win10\x64

Model    : E7450
OS       : win10
Ver      : A04
Arch     : x86
FullPath : \\share\drivers\E7450-win10-A04-DNY52\E7450\win10\x86

Model    : E7470
OS       : win10
Ver      : A05
Arch     : x64
FullPath : \\share\drivers\E7470-win10-A05-6K6HR\E7470\win10\x64

Model    : E6540
OS       : win10
Ver      : A03
Arch     : x64
FullPath : \\share\drivers\E6540-win10-A03-FHWDF\E6540\win10\x64

Model    : E6540
OS       : win10
Ver      : A03
Arch     : x86
FullPath : \\share\drivers\E6540-win10-A03-FHWDF\E6540\win10\x86

Model    : M6700
OS       : win10
Ver      : A02
Arch     : x64
FullPath : \\share\drivers\M6700-win10-A02-T08R2\M6700\win10\x64

Model    : M6700
OS       : win10
Ver      : A02
Arch     : x86
FullPath : \\share\drivers\M6700-win10-A02-T08R2\M6700\win10\x86

Model    : E7470
OS       : win10
Ver      : A09
Arch     : x64
FullPath : \\share\drivers\E7470-win10-A09-PY2N2\E7470\win10\x64

Model    : E6500
OS       : win7
Ver      : A05
Arch     : x64
FullPath : \\share\drivers\E6500-win7-A05-JJ15G\E6500\win7\x64

Model    : E6500
OS       : win7
Ver      : A05
Arch     : x86
FullPath : \\share\drivers\E6500-win7-A05-JJ15G\E6500\win7\x86

Model    : E7470
OS       : win8.1
Ver      : A01
Arch     : x64
FullPath : \\share\drivers\E7470-win8.1-A01-DCD7V\E7470\win8.1\x64

Model    : 9343
OS       : Win8.1
Ver      : A04
Arch     : x64
FullPath : \\share\drivers\9343-Win8.1-A04-HXWH4\9343\Win8.1\x64

Model    : E7470
OS       : win10
Ver      : A07
Arch     : x64
FullPath : \\share\drivers\E7470-win10-A07-WXGDV\E7470\win10\x64
The count is 15 with all architectures
Now I need to filter them. I am then comparing them with other arrays (set as constants:
#Specify which type of folders to look for based on Operating System.
#Supported Values: Win7, Win8, Win8.1, Win10
$OSCheck = @('Win10')

#Specify which type of folders to look for based on architecture.
#Supported Values: x86,x64
$archCheck = @('x64')

#Break it down even further based on model.
$FilterByModel = $true 
$DellModels = @('E7470','E7450','E6530','E6540')

#search driver types
$FilterbyDriverCategory = $true
$DriverCategory = @('audio','chipset','communication','input','network','security','storage')
Based on theses filters I should get:
5 models with x86 drivers
2 unsupported drivers: E6500, M6700
3 unsupported OS: E6500(Win7), 9343(Win8.1), E7470(Win8.1)
3 drivers in conflict: E7470(A01), E7470(A07), E7470(A09)
With filters in place, it should leave me with:
I am able to filter OS, Arch and Model:
#Create new hashtable for temporary use
$CabCollection_oschk = @()
Foreach ($driverSet in $CabCollection){ 
    #filter by Operating System
    $OSFound = Compare-Object $driverSet.OS $OSCheck -IncludeEqual | Where-Object {$_.SideIndicator -eq "=="}
        #write-host $driverSet.FullPath
        $CabTable_oschk = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property ([ordered]@{
                Model    = $driverSet.Model
                OS       = $driverSet.OS
                Ver      = $driverSet.Ver
                Arch     = $driverSet.Arch
                FullPath = $driverSet.FullPath

            $CabCollection_oschk += $CabTable_oschk
#Rebuild original collection
$CabCollection = $CabCollection_oschk
Write-host "$($CabCollection.Count) drivers filtered for specified operating systems" -ForegroundColor Cyan

#Create new hashtable for temporary use
$CabCollection_archchk = @()
Foreach ($driverSet in $CabCollection){ 
    #filter by architecture
    $ArchFound = Compare-Object $driverSet.Arch $archCheck -IncludeEqual | Where-Object {$_.SideIndicator -eq "=="}
        #write-host $driverSet.FullPath
        $CabTable_archchk = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property ([ordered]@{
                Model    = $driverSet.Model
                OS       = $driverSet.OS
                Ver      = $driverSet.Ver
                Arch     = $driverSet.Arch
                FullPath = $driverSet.FullPath

            $CabCollection_archchk += $CabTable_archchk
#Rebuild original collection
$CabCollection = $CabCollection_archchk
Write-host "$($CabCollection.Count) drivers filtered for specified architecture" -ForegroundColor Cyan

If ($FilterByModel){
    #Create new hashtable for temporary use
    $CabCollection_modelchk = @()
    Foreach ($driverSet in $CabCollection){ 
        #filter by model
        $ModelFound = Compare-Object $driverSet.Model $DellModels -IncludeEqual | Where-Object {$_.SideIndicator -eq "=="}
            #write-host $driverSet.FullPath
            $CabTable_modelchk = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property ([ordered]@{
                    Model    = $driverSet.Model
                    OS       = $driverSet.OS
                    Ver      = $driverSet.Ver
                    Arch     = $driverSet.Arch
                    FullPath = $driverSet.FullPath

                $CabCollection_modelchk += $CabTable_modelchk
    #Rebuild original collection
    $CabCollection = $CabCollection_modelchk
    Write-host "$($CabCollection.Count) drivers filtered for specified models" -ForegroundColor Cyan
This leaves me with 6 models, 1 of them having multiple versions of drivers.
Model    : E6530
OS       : win10
Ver      : A01
Arch     : x64
FullPath : \\share\drivers\E6530-win10-A01-PXT6R\E6530\win10\x64

Model    : E7450
OS       : win10
Ver      : A04
Arch     : x64
FullPath : \\share\drivers\E7450-win10-A04-DNY52\E7450\win10\x64

Model    : E7470
OS       : win10
Ver      : A05
Arch     : x64
FullPath : \\share\drivers\E7470-win10-A05-6K6HR\E7470\win10\x64

Model    : E6540
OS       : win10
Ver      : A03
Arch     : x64
FullPath : \\share\drivers\E6540-win10-A03-FHWDF\E6540\win10\x64

Model    : E7470
OS       : win10
Ver      : A09
Arch     : x64
FullPath : \\share\drivers\E7470-win10-A09-PY2N2\E7470\win10\x64

Model    : E7470
OS       : win10
Ver      : A07
Arch     : x64
FullPath : \\share\drivers\E7470-win10-A07-WXGDV\E7470\win10\x64
After many of hours trying to figure out how to filter the cab versions, i have figured it out, but felt there could be an easier way. here is my code to filter them:
#Create new hashtable for temporary use
$CabCollection_verchk = @()

Foreach ($driverSet in ($CabCollection | Group-object Model | Where-Object {$_.Count -eq 1}) ){
    $CabTable_verchk = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property ([ordered]@{
        Model    = $driverSet.Group.Model
        OS       = $driverSet.Group.OS
        Ver      = $driverSet.Group.Ver
        Arch     = $driverSet.Group.Arch
        FullPath = $driverSet.Group.FullPath

    $CabCollection_verchk += $CabTable_verchk

Foreach ($driverSet in ($CabCollection | Group-object Model | Where-Object {$_.Count -gt 1}) ){
    $SimilarModels = $driverSet | Foreach {$_.Group}
    $LatestVersion = ($SimilarModels.ver | measure -Maximum | Select -First 1).Maximum
    Foreach ($Model in ($SimilarModels | Where-Object {$_.Ver -eq $LatestVersion}) ){
        $CabCollection_verchk += $Model

#Rebuild original collection
$CabCollection = $CabCollection_verchk
Write-host "$($CabCollection.Count) drivers filtered for latest version" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Not I only see 4 drivers in my collection. The only next thing to do is grab those drivers and copy them to another folder. This should drop the size down dramatically, eepecially if you don't include video drivers (which you should exclude becuse you should download jsut the three catalyst drivers from (ati,intel,nvidia)
mine went down from 13gb to 3gb.

You can find the code here: DriverConsolidator

Now the next thing to do is filter the drivers inf even further to grab only the latest....coming soon


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